
Sustainable Healthcare for the Wellbeing of All South Africans

South Africa is widely praised for having excellent private healthcare. When using the private healthcare system, you can expect short wait times, modern facilities, and a more comfortable wait. However, the same cannot be said for the public healthcare sector, which still faces issues related to accessibility and sustainability. Depending on the location, citizens also struggle with the high cost of health care, transportation barriers, implicit bias, and healthcare avoidance. Since most of these issues can be resolved locally, corporates within the healthcare industry and other sectors ought to be more involved.

Environmental Sustainability:

Healthcare organizations must lead by example in adopting environmentally friendly practices. Efforts to reduce carbon emissions, minimize waste generation, and invest in renewable energy sources are some of the ways healthcare organizations can contribute to environmental sustainability. While the aim may be to mitigate climate change and demonstrate corporations’ commitment to the well-being of future generations, it will also encourage companies in other industries to take action in promoting a healthy environment.

Improving Access to Healthcare Services:

Equitable healthcare access can be used to promote social sustainability and foster healthy communities. However, equity in South Africa’s healthcare system is still an elusive trait. There is a need for corporate entities in this sector to spearhead initiatives aimed at improving access, especially to underprivileged communities. This can be achieved through partnering with local stakeholders, leveraging technology, and investing in infrastructure. Other initiatives that may pay off in the long run include the use of community health workers, establishing mobile clinics, and promoting public-private partnerships.

Mental Health Awareness and Innovation:

One of the areas that has attracted a lot of attention recently is mental health. Statistics indicate that the prevalence of mental health disorders in South Africa is among the highest in the world. Unfortunately, many people remain undiagnosed because of limited mental health care providers and lack of knowledge. Corporates can aid in supporting innovative approaches to address these issues. For instance, bibliotherapy utilizes books as a form of therapy to help mental health patient overcome their challenges and find coping mechanisms. This has proven to be effective in the South African context, and it can reach more people in need when adequate funding is available.

Corporate Contribution to Mental Health Initiatives:

Given the seriousness of mental health in South Africa, there is a need for corporate entities to take action. One way would be to provide healthcare settings with books and raise awareness about bibliotherapy. Making this part of holistic patient care will help to destigmatize mental health issues and promote overall well-being in South Africa. There is also a need for companies to review their mental health policies and empower their employees. The global accounting firm, KPMG introduced a program where they identify workers at risk for burnout based on internal data points so that their manager can come in and offer appropriate help. Such an approach to mental health can go a long way in ensuring companies have an impact on their employees and the community at large.

The role of corporates in South Africa’s healthcare system cannot be overlooked. As part of community social responsibility, companies need to adopt environmentally friendly practices that help in conserving the environment and promoting sustainability. However, there is also a need to have a direct impact on the health of the citizens. This can be through supporting healthcare organizations as well as implementing organizational policies geared toward the health of their employees and the community.